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niedziela, 3 marca 2013

Dorota Guzik - Spanish / French / German / Italian - on Holiday. Listen & Learn to Speak - AudioKurs MP3 + eBook

AudioGram poleca książki audio mp3

Dorota Guzik 

Spanish / French / German / Italian - on Holiday. Listen & Learn to Speak - AudioKurs + ebook

Nauka języków 

AudioKurs czytany przez lektora


Kurs językowy w języku angielskim (dla osób biegle władających językiem angielskim).

Spanish / French / German / Italian on Holiday. Listen & Learn to Speak. Pack of 4 courses: De vacaciones + Conversations de vacances + Deutsch für die Ferien + In vacanza

Four audio courses which quickly and effectively prepare you for going on holiday. The main aim of the courses is to break down the speaking barrier and to master the vocabulary required in various situations on holiday. The courses teach the authentic language used in everyday conversations. All the words and expressions are recorded with translations, which enables easier use of the courses and allows for faster mastery and consolidation of the material. A Reading Booklet to be used with the audio lessons is also included in PDF format. This is effective learning, easy and available to everyone.

Each lesson contains:

Listen - a dialogue introducing the subject of the lesson;
Repeat - repetition and consolidation of whole sentences and questions in various situations;
Speak - independent formation of sentences and questions in accordance with the teacher’s instructions.

Wydawca DIM - Nauka i Multimedia

Długość nagrania; 337 minut

Księgarnia 4M

Czytaj darmowe fragmenty lub
pobierz - download AudioBook Spanish / French / German / Italian - on Holiday. Listen & Learn to Speak - AudioKurs MP3 + eBook bezpośrednio na Twój e-mail bez zbędnych kosztów przesyłki. Pliki MP3 do słuchania na komórceodtwarzaczu lub komputerze.

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