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czwartek, 12 lutego 2009

Richard Milton - Do Your Own PR - The Pocket Essential Guide

So you want recognition for your organisation? Your products? Your services? Your good cause? Or maybe you want it for yourself ? Then learn to do your own press relations and become your own a PR expert.
There’s more to PR than reading your name in the papers or seeing your face on telly. Good press relations is the secret of achieving recognition and it’s recognition that sells – whether you are selling software or soft furnishings, hot dogs or hot air balloons.
From writing a press release to taking photos, organising a press conference to setting up interviews, facing the reptiles of the press to broadcasting in prime time, DO YOUR OWN PR tells you step by step how to master the skills of the spin doctor and raise your own profile.
Publisher/Verlag/Wydawca ; Matrix Digital Publishing
Length recording/Langer der Aufnahme/Długość nagrania ; 2 Hrs 58 Mins
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